Israel’s invasion is forcing people to literally run for their lives.

Despite a universal plea from world leaders urging it to stop its continued onslaught, Israel has invaded Rafah, prioritizing their military goals over Palestinian civilian lives. 

Endless gunfire, hospital bombings, starvation, disrupting humanitarian corridors — nothing has been spared in this brutal war. 

Palestinians who don’t die from bombs and guns are at a very high risk of dying from starvation — or diseases that would have been preventable or treatable. 

The humanitarian access that Oxfam and other partners need to help Palestinian civilians is obstructed on a daily basis and hundreds of humanitarian workers have already been killed while trying to save lives. 

Governments like Canada’s have simply allowed this to happen. Although Canada’s federal government has “called for a ceasefire”, they have also continued to provide weapons, parts and ammunition to Israel.

Canada’s ongoing export of military arms and components to Israel is actively fueling one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in modern history — and innocent Palestinians are paying the price. But we have the power to change that right now.

Oxfam Canada believes that the federal government must stop dragging their feet and step up for Palestinian civilians who are losing their lives at an alarming rate – 180 lives each day. They must do everything possible to ensure that Canadian weapons are not used in ongoing war crimes against Palestinians. Namely:

  1. Suspend all weapons, parts, and ammunition transfers to Israel, including those already approved. 
  2. Implement measures to prevent weapons and arms manufactured in Canada from reaching Israel through the United States.

Oxfam Canada’s community of activists has successfully compelled the Canadian government to vote for a ceasefire and prevent any new contracts for arms transfer between Canada and Israel — and now we need your help to compel the government to go further to protect Palestinian lives. 

As the humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, and the military operation in Rafah is now fully underway, we know that all of us need to act quickly — and act together — so we can amplify the pressure to end this war and put civilian lives first. Will you join our rapidly growing movement of advocates?

I call on Minister Melanie Joly to cancel all current and existing arms contracts with Israel.

By allowing existing arms contracts with Israel to be fulfilled, the Government of Canada is allowing Canadian arms and parts to be sold to a military that is using them to kill thousands of innocent people in and around Gaza.

I am joining Oxfam to call on Minister Joly to cancel all existing arms contracts with Israel and halt the flow of weapons — because Canadian-made arms parts should never be used to perpetuate the violence that Palestinians are experiencing.